28.03.19 – Birthday Time

Yet another birthday spent in hospital. Luckily I was well enough to go home in the afternoon to spend time with friends. Instead of hospital dinner, which isn’t as bad as some make it out to be, we ordered pizza 🍕. I went home on Thursday 20th so I was able to celebrate properly at the weekend. Im glad I was admitted because they have been able to come up with a short term plan to avoid getting an infection and advise me on the right pain relief. Ive told them that I’ve been struggling to get through my day without it, so I was referred to the pain team with an idea on what could be causing it. It all happens much quicker as an inpatient so I’ve managed to get a lot more sorted. I’m positive that I’ll be out of hospital for much longer this time. I was discharged home with long term antibiotics to avoid getting another infection. Unfortunately they can’t find the cause. I have had numerous scans done (HIDA, Barium Swallow, Ultrasound, MRCP, Chest X-ray, CT with and without contrast) to look for any abnormalities.

I’m now taking 3 lots of antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin, Co – Trimoxazole and Cefuroxime) to rotate over the next 6 weeks. I’ll then be reviewed again in clinic to see how I’m getting on. I can’t just be given any antibiotics as some aren’t safe to take post transplant, e.g Rifampicin.

Thank you to friends and family for the support and taking me out for my 28th. 😘

Click here to sign up to organ donation! It is equally important to discuss your wishes with your family, so that they support your decision. Thank you!

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3 thoughts on “28.03.19 – Birthday Time

  1. Hi beautiful ! Well Aren’t you a lucky one ! You got to celebrate another spin around the sun. You look Georgeous in your pics . I wish you many many more . You know I had some kind of weird 30 letter infection post as well . A team of 5000 Dr’s could not figure it out . ( well maybe not that many , I don’t know I was higher than a kite on narcotics ) . It was an infection that settled in my neck muscle . Similar treatment as you , hospital for 3 weeks with steady anti biotics and 30 days after that at a IV clinic . I’ll try look for my discharge paper and let you know. Never know if same thing . They postulated it was related to strep of some kind . Finally Found out it was a bean stuck in my nose ! Lol JK .
    But In other words they didn’t really know . But the antibiotics knocked it down . Good to go after that .
    So hang in there Olivia . I found this quote somewhere and I think it applies to you my dear .
    “I’m stronger than I thought I was. My favorite phrase has been ‘This too shall pass.’ I now understand it really well.”
    Keep the faith and your strength will follow Olivia .
    Bye for now and here’s one of my favorite birthday tunes for you . Enjoy .


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